Everything your team
needs in one place
Communication, knowledge base,
training and recognition
Speed and efficiency
Beedoo was designed to be intuitively easy! Quickly put your campaigns on the air, simply publish your training programs, and more.
Deliver the right content to the right people at the right time. Target content by groups and teams. Interaction and information in real time. We create powerful resources for fast, organized, and relevant communication.
Powerful features
Real-time messaging. Publication of text and images with possibility of reaction and response. Content moderation with complaint monitoring.
Leaders, instructors, and areas can create channels for communicating with groups of people in a real-time chat. A powerful tool for collaboration.
Cognitive technology
With IBM's Watson technology, the Beedoo Wiki provides a cognitive knowledge base with content organized and indexed in a powerful search. Information available easily and quickly in one place.
Fall in love with Beebot
Meet Beebot! The Intelligent Virtual Assistant integrated with the Wiki. It answers users' questions using natural language (NPL), recommends content with video tutorials, and still manages to perform a walkthrough with the user.
High performance
Beedoo is a different LMS tool from the ones you know! It's designed for teams that don't have time available because they're always busy with their tasks. With Beedoo in operation see the results happen, have shorter pause time and increased productivity.
Made for the new generation
Beedoo is fun and intuitive, aimed at the new generations X, Y, Z and Millennials that are present in most service teams.
Recognition for performance
Beedoo is prepared to help you recognize each employee's efforts through a points, levels, and medals system, automatically or manually. Create industry-driven and area-driven campaigns, special prizes, recognize with medals, and more. Activate your rewards store and watch engagement happens.
Prize shop
Have your own custom and integrated prize store for your team to redeem the points earned within Beedoo. Create your own rewards or use numbered electronic vouchers integrated with the most diverse e-commerce in Brazil and the world.
Visual Management
Choose the best way to view data, tables, charts, lists, or export to Excel. Everything you've ever needed to efficiently manage the communication and training of your teams.
Multilevel indicators
With the Beedoo statistics dashboard, you can see your team's development, understand where the improvement points are, which content is most accessed, filter results by group, instructor, user, and more. Use the power of data to your advantage, that's Beedoo.